Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Take My Hand and We'll Make It... I SWEAR.

Suddenly, my pals and I are halfway through our sophomore year at Le Moyne.

I think I am speaking for most of my close theatre friends when I say that our obligations within the Performing Arts Center have been raised a few notches. As we oh-so eagerly approach the start of Spring semester, we are confronted with a conglomerate of performances in a very short period of time. Lizz is stage managing, light designing, and more. Gloria is assistant stage managing and technical directing. Kari is acting (YOU GO, GIRL). I am assistant directing. How did we accumulate *gasp*--responsibilities?!

In terms of classes, I speak for myself when I say that I had a successful Fall semester, especially considering how busy I was with Something Clever! Next semester, I'm looking at a full plate: Directing, Scene Design, Theatre History, Ecology (blah), and Honors. Sounds like a blast, right? Well, the first three do, anyways...

Over and out.